Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy 13th Birthday Emily!!

The day has finally arrived... Emily has arrived in to the teen years! She is officially 13 and has been waking up everyday for the past couple weeks yelling out the new number till her birthday. So we're all very relieved that the day is finally here! ;) We spent the day playing Monopoly and watching a movie. And Emily's meal for her birthday included mashed potatoes, center cut ham, a fruit, and corn, It was delicious!

I just wanted to say thank you so much Emily for being my sister. I hope that we will 
continue to grow closer as the years go on and thank you for putting up with  me 
when I am wrong or make a mistake. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for your
life in the future! 
Happy 13th Birthday! :)


  1. Happy Birthday to you Emily!
    (sorry we are late)
    Blessings for the year ahead!
    The Mayo maidens

  2. Happy birthday, beautiful lady! May your next year be the best yet!
